Certificate Authority Review Guidelines
What to include:
- Constructive and specific praise or criticism.
- Comparisons of the certificate authority or product to other ones you have used.
- Why you like or dislike the provider.
What not to include:
- Profanity, obscenities, or other offensive language.
- Single-word reviews. We want to know why you do or don't like the provider or product.
- Solicitations or spam.
- Fake reviews from SSL providers (you know who you are).
If you have a suggestion for our site, notice a typo, or believe our descriptions are inaccurate in any way, please do not include them in your review. Send those suggestions to us on the contact page.
Any review in violation of these guidelines will not be posted.
All submitted ratings and written comments become the sole property of SSL Shopper and may be used at its sole discretion. Ratings and written comments are generally posted within one business day. SSL Shopper reserves the right to remove or refuse to post any submission for any reason. You acknowledge that you, not SSL Shopper, are responsible for the contents of your submission.