DigiCert SSL Certificate Reviews
DigiCert is a privately held certificate authority that sells SSL certificate products. DigiCert was established in 2003, and is headquartered in Lehi, Utah, USA.
The DigiCert SSL certificate reviews listed below will help you determine whether DigiCert is a good company to buy SSL certificates from. The reviews have been verified to be from real DigiCert customers.
If you want to compare DigiCert SSL certificates with certificates from other SSL providers, use our SSL Wizard. If you have ever purchased or received a certificate from DigiCert, please post a DigiCert SSL review to let others know what to expect.
4.87 (1487 Total Reviews)
DigiCert SSL Certificates
- Wildcard SSL
- Standard SSL
- Secure Site Wildcard SSL
- Secure Site SSL
- Secure Site Pro SSL
- Secure Site Pro EV SSL
- Secure Site Multi-Domain SSL
- Secure Site EV SSL
- Secure Site EV Multi-Domain SSL
- Multi-Domain SSL
- Extended Validation SSL
- EV Multi-Domain SSL
- EV Code Signing
- Code Signing
Popular Sites That Use DigiCert
- CBS Interactive Inc.
www.gamespot.com - Skycache, Inc.
beidipedia.wikia.com - HubSpot, Inc.
pg6.app6.hubspot.com - Fastly, Inc.
www.etsy.com - Elasticsearch, Inc.
DigiCert Reviews
Showing review 1121 to 1140 of 1483 | First | Previous | Next | Last
Pandu Wijaya
October 17, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: SSL Plus
Website: http://isupplier.badaklng.co.id
Organization: PT Badak NGL
Morten Birkelund
October 10, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: Wildcard Plus
Website: https://mit.edc.dk
Organization: EDC-Gruppen A/S
October 8, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: Unified Communications
October 5, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: Wildcard Plus
Sergio Bello
October 3, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: SSL Plus
Website: http://www.torteinkit.it
Organization: Esse.A Srl
Robert E. Tapia
September 28, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: Wildcard Plus
Organization: doe.k12.ga.us
Silvino Nobrega
September 28, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: SSL Plus
Organization: Disbrava
Roman Rudy
September 26, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: Wildcard Plus
Website: Multiple
Organization: Multiple
September 25, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: SSL Plus
Website: http://www.banknotes.com
Richard Fox
September 16, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: EV Certificate
Website: https://mail.basarnas.go.id
Organization: Badan SAR Nasional
Christian Romanelli
September 15, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: SSL Plus
Levy Rodrigues
Iwan Sofana
September 12, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: Wildcard Plus
September 12, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: Code Signing
Pete Wheeler
September 10, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: Several different products
Website: http://webmail.corbinrusswin.com
Organization: Corbin Russwin
Kristi P.
Showing review 1121 to 1140 of 1483 | First | Previous | Next | Last
Yossi Mordo
October 22, 2012 Permalink Overall Rating:
Product: SSL Plus